Have there really been 47 months of www.onegameamonth.com already? Time flies when you're having fun and I can say with absolute confidence that it's been fun. I've seen so much mindblowing talent. This month's new 250xp achievement theme word is: WHY? In your next game, answer the question WHY about what the player is doing. If you destroy a hundred spaceships, tell the player WHY it was important, or tragic, or heroic. WHY are we doing what we are doing? For the treasure? For love? For fame? As a selfless act of heroism? Because your cat MEOWS in the middle of your keynote? You might find that answering the question WHY almost always comes down to an emotion. Either that or you decide it's not in pursuit of the end goal so much as an intrinsic enjoyment of the road to get there. Either way, it comes down to how you feel. Give players interesting or unusual answers to those questions add depth and soul to your next game. Good luck!